Monday 1 May 2017

NAF Championship 2017 - How Not to Play Orcs!

So this bank holiday saw me go to the NAF Championships in Nottingham, taking my Orc team Orclando Magic and here is how I got on:

Game 1 - Halflings

The first game I lined up against Cornish and his halflings....I hate playing halflings! the masterchef kills me as I always seem to need my 3 rerolls and I lost two each half. the first half went as planned, I received the ball and proceeded to cage up away from the trees and work my way down towards the end zone, carrying the ball over the line on turn 8 making it 1-0 to me and feeling quite happy with how it went.....then came the OTTD....I set up 6 (or maybe 7) squares back with all except my LoS players, a touchback resulted in the halfling next to the tree being given the ball and then swiftly being thrown over the top to make his landing in two tackle zones on a 6!!! He then dodged out and made his GFIs to score! 1-1

Friday 21 April 2017

Introduction Time!!

Hello and welcome to my blog on my journey through Blood Bowl! The plan is for this to cover everything that I do for Blood Bowl whether this is building, converting, painting or playing the game itself. I also dabble in Age of Sigmar and I'm looking forward to 40k being revamped as I have a severe dislike for it in it's current state!

So my first encounter with Blood Bowl was back in 1994(?) when for my 8th birthday my parents presented me with the 3rd Edition of the game, I then built them up, played a few games, didn't understand it, quit.
Third Edition was my first encounter with Blood Bowl